Mission and Vision
βIn Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.
β Eph 1:11-12 NKJV
As beloved members of His family and priesthood, we are becoming a people who abide in the Lord's presence, which is the reality of His Kingdom of freedom and power in this age.
To become the reality of the Lord's Kingdom now, in which the royal members of God's family are free (saved: brought to the Way), healthy (grown into the Truth), and powerful (producing fruit according to our God-given identity -- the Life).
Free - to ensure that all God's people reside in solid salvation that is based in His grace alone, setting us free from the law of religion and free in the law of love.
Healthy - to ensure that all God's people are grown into the fullness of Truth, being set free from wounds, unholy covenants, transgressions, iniquity and bondage, and being set free for the fruit of the Spirit, growing into an experiential knowing of their identity in Christ as loved and treasured, chosen, redeemed, set apart for a purpose... Experientially knowing they are His son, bride, king and priest.
Powerful - to ensure that all God's people are awakened to the presence of the Lord, are discovering their God-given design, and are being empowered to operate in the identity and grace (gifts) of their high calling in the authority of the Lord.